Nonagon Hot Tub Room

This one-of-a-kind nonagon building was built for complete relaxation and rejuvenation.

With beautiful oak beams framing the entire room, the environment created through this design is reminiscent of traditional Scandinavian spas for a complete wellness experience.

The unique shape of this nine-sided building branches from the main house and swimming pool room. Oak has been used throughout the property, with Enville Oak continuing this theme in the nonagon hot tub room for a seamless and authentic extension.

Hot Tub Room Features

Impressive Oak Frame

An impressive oak frame was manufactured and installed by our team. To create this frame, we used 240mm x 240mm square air dried oak.

We used the same size oak beams as in the adjoining swimming pool room for consistency throughout the build.

Bespoke Angled Posts

Enville Oak utilised bespoke angled posts to accommodate the complex shape of the building.

Our work is always custom to our clients’ needs, meaning we’re experts at working within the parameters of your building and requirements of the space.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

The hot tub room is complete with the latest facilities for a pleasurable and long-lasting space.

Facilities include a state-of-the-art extraction system, ensuring excess moisture is removed from the air, as well as French doors built in the same style, providing access to the main property.

Panoramic Views

The shape of the nonagon room allows for panoramic views through large glazed panels, enhancing the experience and relaxation factor of the hot tub room.

Suitability of Oak

In humid and moist atmospheres such as this hot tub room, oak offers water resistant properties and a natural resistance to rot, making it a great material to construct or decorate with.

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